Research Projects dissemination related to SEBD 2024

Important: if you want to add your research project to this page, please contact Maurizio Atzori at

PRIN 2022 DEMON: Detect and Evaluate Manipulation of ONline information

References: Prof. Maurizio Atzori (Università degli Studi di Cagliari); Prof. Stefano Ceri (Politecnico di Milano); Dr. Francesco Pierri (Politecnico di Milano)

The DEMON project has received funding from the Italian Research Ministry through the PRIN 2022 call (project code: 2022BAXSPY) To study information manipulation we plan to adapt and extend techniques from NLP (to automatically process text) and data/network science (to study information diffusion in online social networks), such as to eventually detect and evaluate the extent to which specific stories are being exploited or weaponized by (malicious) actors in the online information ecosystem.

Duration: 10/2023-9/2025

Project Website


SERICS Security and Rights in CyberSpace Spoke 10: Governance e protezione dei dati

Reference: Prof. Pierangela Samarati (Università degli Studi di Milano); Prof. Giuseppe Polese (Università di Salerno); Dr. Stefano Cirillo (Università di Salerno)

The SERICS (Security and Rights in CyberSpace) Spoke 10 project has received funding from the PNRR Funding Program.

The modern digital society is increasingly based on the collection, sharing, and analysis of large datasets, offering clear advantages from both personal and business perspectives, as well as benefits for research and society at large. The full realization of a data-driven digital society can only occur if there is trust in the security and privacy of the data itself, and therefore, if solutions are available to ensure its proper protection and use. Data protection laws and regulations impose restrictions that limit its use, and individuals, as well as companies, demand compliance with protection requirements and assurance of effective protection of their data. TA 10 addresses this need by aiming to ensure that the various stakeholders involved in data sharing have access to tools and scenarios for controlling their data, supporting selective and secure data sharing while guaranteeing functionality, efficiency, and scalability. The data protection solutions developed within the framework of TA 10 will enable and encourage new application scenarios and introduce new opportunities for data sharing in a controlled manner, respecting privacy and access restrictions, and ensuring the integrity of the data and the results of the analyses. Thus, TA 10 will contribute to the true and full realization of digital sovereignty.

Duration: 1/1/2023-31/12/2025

Project Website


SERICS Security and Rights in CyberSpace Spoke 5: Crittografia e sicurezza dei sistemi distribuiti

Reference: Prof. Francesco Buccafurri (Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria)

The SERICS (Security and Rights in CyberSpace) Spoke 5 project has received funding from the PNRR Funding Program.

The AT 5 group primarily focuses on research activities in the domains of cryptography and distributed systems security. Due to the vastness of these domains and to identify concrete objectives aimed at achieving high-level technological results with significant benefits for the country, AT 5 embraces a variety of approaches. Several sub-themes are considered: (i) cryptographic primitives and protocols, (ii) foundational cryptography and cryptanalysis, (iii) post-quantum cryptography, (iv) digital identity, authentication, and accountability, and (v) distributed ledgers and blockchain. This is to combine two key aspects: the continuous pursuit of deepening knowledge (in all the aforementioned fields) and the goal of applying this investigative approach to real systems. Throughout the course of this initiative, this will be achieved through a single unifying project centered on the notion of digital identification and tracking, interpreting this notion from unconventional perspectives as well. Based on this general objective, the research lines of AT 5 will proceed along different tracks, fostering continuous interactions and vertical applications of the results in specific application domains.

Duration: 1/1/2023-31/12/2025

Project Website


PRIN 2022 NEXTCART – Nutritional- and EXTernalities- driven food shopping CART

Prof. Riccardo Accorsi (Università degli Studi di Bologna); Prof.ssa Anisa Rula (Università degli Studi di Brescia)

The NEXTCART project has received funding from the Italian Research Ministry through the PRIN 2022 call (project code:2022YXXZH5). NEXTCART aims to design, demonstrate, and validate the impact of a visibility-, knowledge- and education-enabling ICT system to promote food ecosystem sustainability. It explores how a new conscious, sustainable, aware, and nutritionally balanced consumer experience, aided by the proposed ICT system, could change the FSC processes according to a bottom-up approach. To reach consumer visibility, NEXTCART aims to build a multidisciplinary knowledge inventory following a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) paradigm. This inventory will be able to gather records from heterogeneous data sources linked to the existing traceability/IoT infrastructures through appropriate interfaces. Innovative, tailored data integration, search and loading strategies, quality control, and data maintainability methods will be tested.

Duration: 10/2023-9/2025